
GLI's work supported by foundation funding

15.12.2021: The Mercator Foundation will support the work of GLI over the next three years, enabling the still young association to broaden its personnel and professional base in the future. GLI’s Managing Director Henrike Lindenmann was delighted with the recently approved funding: “Thanks to the financial support from Stiftung Mercator, we are now in a position to significantly expand our current commitment. In particular, we will strengthen our strategic support of associations in the field of environmental and climate protection rights as well as human rights. We will also focus on facilitating access to the courts in order to make environmental protection more heard there.”

Completion of the first Green Legal Lab

27.09.2021: The pilot of our training event “Green Legal Lab” has been successfully completed. For five weeks, the selected participants dealt with strategic legal action approaches in different environmental areas in different working groups and in plenary sessions. In this way, they support the associations cooperating with us. As a result, almost 30 young lawyers are more familiar with strategic thinking for associations, and there are new ideas on what can be done to counter the destruction of nature with existing law. At the same time, a network of young, committed environmental lawyers has been created.

The format is to be continued annually – hopefully not purely online in the future.

Shell sentenced by Dutch court

The Hague, May 26, 2021: The District Court of The Hague orders Royal Dutch Shell (RDS) to reduce its CO2 emissions to a net 45% below 2019 levels by the end of 2030.

Letters from associations on the revision of the Aarhus Regulation (Regulation 1367/2006)

6.4.2021: GLI calls for full implementation of the Aarhus Convention on Access to Justice at the EU level and has initiated letters from associations to the German Environment Minister and MEPs to this end.

Associations' appeal on the Climate Protection Act

March 16, 2021: We call for the Climate Protection Act to be amended in order to achieve the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement – together with the Climate Alliance and a large alliance.

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GLI launched operations

On December 1, 2020 our office has started operations. Also our web pages are online, so that we are now available for you at any time.

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