Legal Notice
Green Legal Impact Germany e.V.
Oberlandstraße 26-35
D-12099 Berlin (Germany)
Phone: +49 30 235 97 79-60
E-mail: post[at]
Legal status
Green Legal Impact Germany e.V. is a non-profit organization, registered in the Register of Associations of the district court of Charlottenburg at number VR 38354 B.
Represented by the Executive Board
Dr. Immo Graf | Dr. Cornelia Nicklas | Tobias Ott | Dr. Roda Verheyen | Dr. Michael Zschiesche
Bank Details
GLS Bank, Bochum
IBAN: DE16 4306 0967 1062 0836 00
Editorial responsibility according to § 18 Abs. 2 MStV
Tatjana Thiel | T +49 30 235 97 79-62
Concept, design and realization
blitzrind digital expertise |
Picture credits
Board Members: © Andrea Podbevsek
Team: © Andrea Podbevsek
Other images: see information provided with the respective image.
Green Legal Impact Germany (GLI) has placed links to other websites on its website. GLI has no influence on the content and design of the linked sites. GLI does not adopt the content and design of the linked pages as its own and accepts no liability for their content and design.
The content of the GLI website is for general information only. GLI does not guarantee that the information, advice and recommendations are up-to-date, correct and complete. In particular, the contents of the website cannot replace advice in individual cases. GLI accepts no liability for incomplete or incorrect information, notes and recommendations, unless these have been distributed with gross negligence or intent. GLI expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete or cease publication of parts of the pages or the entire website without prior notice.
As long as the source is acknowledged, texts and information from this website may be saved, passed on and reproduced and linking to this website is permitted. With prior written consent, content of this website may also be integrated into other browser windows. However, the information may not be changed or falsified. Photos on this website may be protected by copyright and not freely available for private use. If you would like to use photos, please contact the GLI office at post[at]
Private policy
You can find our data protection declaration on the page Privacy policy.