Various areas of law can be used to protect the environment. General legal studies do not train strategic thinking in this field. For environmental activists, the law of assembly often plays a role when they take political demands to the streets. GLI offers training formats for various interest groups to further their education and practice strategic approaches.
You can find specific training events under Veranstaltungen (German only).
Green Legal Labs on Strategic Lawsuits
Strategic thinking for the protection of the environment as well as the development of new ideas at the margins of existing law have hardly played a role in the education of young lawyers so far. Yet it is precisely the task of the next generation of lawyers to further develop the law in the direction of sustainability and greenhouse gas neutrality, as well as to ensure the preservation of civil liberties for civil society engagement. GLI aims to fill this gap by offering regular “Green Legal Labs”, a permanent training programme in these areas. We are planning our next “Lab” for autumn 2023 (German only).
Webinars on Climate and Environmental Lawsuits
Since 2020, we have been organising a series of free webinars on climate and environmental lawsuits in cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Germanwatch, BAKJ and Client Eart. The webinars are aimed at law students with an interest in the environment, and the engaged, law-interested civil society.
The recorded events from 2020 “Saving the climate with justice?” can be found on the Heinrich Böll Foundation page (German only).
1. Climate & Environmental Lawsuits: An Introduction
2. Taking the EU to Court for more Climate Protection: The People’s Climate Case
3. Practical Seminar on Environmental and Climate Claims for Law Students and Young Lawyers
In 2021, the webinars will take place in late September and early October and will be announced on this website.
Trainings for Climate Activists
For environmental and climate activists, we conduct online and offline trainings in the law of assembly, based on upcoming or recently experienced practical examples or possible scenarios. Legal boundaries are also deliberately explored in the trainings, with the aim of recognising and averting actions relevant under criminal law at an early stage.
The aim is to enable the climate movement to plan and conduct specific assemblies independently and in accordance with the law. The trainings should provide participants with the necessary tools so that those trained are able to evaluate certain scenarios and their legal consequences (rally at location XY will not be allowed) in advance and develop (fallback) strategies if necessary.
In addition to the trainings, we want to develop a legal guideline that will be given to the participants. In consultation with the movement groups, the guide will be complemented with results and lessons learned from the field, in order to be able to communicate experience values to the entire movement.