Cooperation and Memberships

Protect the Planet

GLI is pleased to announce a strategic partnership with Protect the Planet. Protect the Planet also sees itself as a catalytic actor and has been involved for years, among other things with a climate complaint before the European Court of Justice, in the legal area for the well-being of humans, environment and climate. One part of our cooperation is the development of concepts for future Green Legal Labs for prospective and experienced lawyers.

Stiftung Mercator

With and through GLI, Stiftung Mercator promotes more intensive cooperation between environmental associations on legal issues. The goal is to conduct environmental and climate protection lawsuits as effectively as possible. This also includes systematic advice on the right of associations to sue, as well as targeted outreach to the (political) public to strengthen the right of associations to sue. The foundation also supports our training programs, which aim to raise awareness of national and European environmental and climate protection law among prospective lawyers and young graduates.

Deutscher Naturschutzring

The environmental umbrella organization Deutscher Naturschutzring e.V. (DNR) was founded in 1950 and now combines the interests of 100 German nature, animal and environmental protection organizations, nature sports organizations, producer associations, foundations and institutes, which together reach more than eleven million people. Founded as a constructively critical partner vis-à-vis the authorities, the umbrella organization acts as a coordinator, mediator and representative in the political arena on behalf of its members.

Allianz Rechtssicherheit für politische Willensbildung

We are a member of the Allianz Rechtssicherheit für politische Willensbildung (= Legal Certainty for Political Expression Alliance) working with other organizations to change nonprofit law. Civil society engegement is not-for-profit – but civil society organizations that express themselves politically are constantly at risk of losing their non-profit status. We want to change that and create legal certainty through legal clarifications.

Logo der Allianz Rechtssicherheit für politische Willensbildung